0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

#0202_A_View_From_Haredi_Jerusalem Teenager Burned While Baking Matzah “Haredi Teenager Burns Face While Baking Matzah: A Haredi teenager was transported by ambulance…

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

#0202_A_View_From_Haredi_Jerusalem "Whoever decides on [national] elections [1] a week before Pesach, should also take responsibility for my marriage and come…

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

#0202_A_View_From_West_Jerusalem "The Race for Chametz [1] at Angel Bakery" – Jerusalemites Facebook group [Selected comments:] – "Each bun for 4.5…

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

#0202_A_View_From_West_Jerusalem "2,591 Jews made their ritual pilgrimage over the Passover holiday this Hebrew year of 5778 to the Temple Mount!!!…

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

#0202_A_View_From_East_Jerusalem "'Friedman' performs Talmudic Jewish rituals at Al-Aqsa American Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, known for his staunch pro-occupation positions,…

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

#0202_A_View_From_Haredi_Jerusalem Singer and composer Yonatan Razel joined matza baking at the Toldot Aharon matzah bakery in the Meah Shearim neighborhood…

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

#0202_A_View_From_West_Jerusalem "This morning at the Western Wall: Tens of thousands of worshipers took part in the traditional ‘Priestly Blessing’[…] This…

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

“#0202_A_View_Of_East_Jerusalem “Watch: Thousands of [Jewish] settlers desecrate Al-Buraq Wall [1] and perform the Passover prayers before it.” – Al-Quds Media…