Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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כתוב את הכותרת כאן

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


“The Jerusalem Faction [1] will embark on a massive protest this upcoming Sabbath, against the desecration of the Sabbath. The thousands of protesters will march to Bar Ilan street, where head Faction Rabbis will speak against the defilement of Sabbath. The protest is addressing the planned vote in the Jerusalem Municipality, debating the opening of the First Station, a popular recreation complex in Jerusalem, on the Sabbath. It seems now that there are enough Haredi voices to vote against it, but the odds may change by the vote on Sunday.”

– Kikar HaShabat

[Selected Comment:]
– “The time of year has come again when the extremists have to find action [to keep them busy] during the long Summer Sabbaths… I’m sure this protest is oh-so important to them.”

0202 Editor’s Notes:
[1] Peleg Yerushalmi (the Jerusalem Faction) – a minority group of stridently anti-State and anti-Army Haredi activists in the Haredi-Litvish community under the leadership of the late Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach. Peleg members differ from the main Haredi community in their extremist ideology, especially in their refusal for any sort of collaboration with the army, not even to receive an exemption from the army.

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