Jerusalem Cafe Loses Kashrut Certification after Owner Refuses to Stop Muslim Chef from Cooking
"Anshel Pfeffer reports:
A representative of Jerusalem Religious Council's Kashrut certification [1] department has physically removed Cafe Kalo's Kashrut certificate (see the empty brown frame in the center of the photo) after the owner, Kalo, (on the right), refused to follow the demand that chef Mustafa (on the left) stops frying omelets.
Until now, the Jerusalem rabbinate has required a restaurant with regular (non-Mehadrin) Kashrut certification, to have a Jew light the stove's fire, but the cooking can be done by a non-Jew. The representative of the religious council tried to force an extra stringency – that all cooking would be done by a Jew. Kalo refused and the certificate was revoked. "
▶️Source: Nir Hasson
0202 Editor's Note:
[1] Kashrut, also known as Kosher, are Jewish dietary laws. Among the numerous laws that form part of Kashrut are the prohibitions on the consumption of certain animals, mixtures of meat and milk, and eating food cooked by a non-Jew. In Israel, the Rabbinate provides cafes and restaurants with certificates, attesting to their Kosher status. Some eateries have a Mehadrin certification, which means they implement extra stringencies in addition to the regular Kasrut requirements.
#Cafe #Kosher #Rabbinate #Cooking #Religion