Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"Heartbreaking. We all stand with the 2000 employees and their families that Kahlon [Minister of Finance] is laying off. As terrible as it is, I call upon the worker’s union to avoid hurting Jerusalem’s residents with strikes and garbage in the streets.

Jerusalem’s residents have done nothing wrong and are suffering from Kahlon’s decrees and his refusal to give Jerusalem the funds it requires.
I call on Kahlon to show some leadership and come out of his hiding place so that we'll be able to solve the crisis.
I am willing to meet him anywhere, and at any hour.
Jerusalem must remain above all political disputes!"

– Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem

[Selected comments:]

– "Dear Mr Barkat, Jerusalem’s residents are not stupid, you’re just as responsible for this situation as the Minister of Finance. There is money [in the city coffers]; yes, more is needed, more is always needed. You are responsible for splitting the cake – split it accordingly. Emotional manipulations are not going to get you the support of the capital’s residents. Show some leadership, that’s what you were elected for."

– "I call Kahlon [Minister of Finance] to wake up immediately!! What a disgrace!! How can it be that a minister of finance is ‘punishing’ a mayor…and not just any mayor, a great, dedicated, loyal and energetic [mayor], that has done great things, and is followed by a string for praise!!! Kahlon, this is the mayor of the capital of Israel! We’re speaking of the residents of the city! We will never forgive you! You call yourself a “social [politician]”? You should be ashamed! You won’t even meet and discuss the issues? You think you’re still in kindergarten? You’re angry so you won’t play? You should be ashamed! I despise you, and so do tens of thousands more!"

0202 Editor’s Notes:
Over the past year, there have been ongoing reports regarding political tensions between Jerusalem's mayor, Nir Barkat and the Minister of Finance, Moshe Kahlon. Tensions arise mainly as part of Nir Barkat’s ongoing campaign to enlarge the city’s financial budget. Barkat has recently blamed the government for depriving Jerusalem’s residents of an appropriate municipal financial budget necessary to cater to their health, cultural and educational needs. Moreover, Barkat claims that the budget per resident is 30% lower than per resident in other large cities (Tel-Aviv, Haifa) in Israel.
Over the last few days, there have been protests in the city that have drawn both criticism and support for Barkat. Some see Barkat as being ‘too preoccupied’ with the upcoming general elections and thus failing to prioritize Jerusalem and the municipal budget.

For more on this see: https://goo.gl/yrYnrK

#City_Hall #Protests #Budget

