Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


News Digest: Eid al-Adha [1]:

"Circulated pictures on social media of a cat trying to free the sacrificial lamb from its shackles."

▶️Source: Beit Hanina Page – Al-Quds [Jerusalem] FB Page

"Let history testify that we are the generation that spent the holiday in our pajamas🤟😂🏃‍♀️
#pajama_people_where_are_you 😂🙈

Selected Comments:
– "Here I am, I came 🤚🤣🤣😂"
– "'A time will come upon you when your holidays will become like your everyday' (Our master Ali Bin Abi Talib)[2]"
– "Here I still say; wish all I bought were pajamas 😅"
– "I'm part of the people of shorts, tank top and flip flops"

▶️Source: Beit Hanina Page – Al-Quds [Jerusalem] FB Page

"To anyone who's asking … we are here….
🐏🐏 We are fully prepared to sacrifice the sacrifices of the holiday and the slaughter in houses 🐑🐑 To the area of Beit Hanina, [contact] Omar Jabrin. Happy holiday ❤️ "

▶️Source: Beit Hanina Page – Al-Quds [Jerusalem] FB Page

"To anyone who's asking; where do all the cats disappear on #Eid_al_Adha ??!
The angels of death abound in the day of slaughter and the reason is to gather the souls of the sacrificed.
For every animal on earth has a soul and cats can not see what humans cannot see, so they see that the vast number of angels, including the angel of death, taking the souls out [of the animals], so they disappear and escape from the horror of the scene, glory to God Almighty!"

Selected Comments:
-"Where did you get this nonsense from? There are a million cats in our yard and we sacrificed in honor of the holiday and they came to enjoy it with us. Not a single cat disappeared 😂"
– "Okay, what about the cat standing in the doorway of our house, why isn't it hiding? It has been droving me nuts since this morning"
– "Animals have no soul 🙂 It essence, souls are only for humans, but animals are an essence and angels are also an essence, the only characteristic in which humans have is the soul, please correct the information"
-"Where did you get this from 🤔🤔"
-"Unscientific and incorrect things and contradict religion. May Allah guide you in the right path"

▶️Source: Beit Hanina Page – Al-Quds [Jerusalem] FB Page
0202 Editor Notes:
[1] Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice, is celebrated every year on the tenth day of the month of Du al-Hajah and lasts for four days. This year the holiday is celebrated on 31/7-3/8. The holiday marks the date of the pilgrimage to Mecca. During the holiday it is customary to sacrifice a lamb and prepare its meat for eating at the holiday meal and give it as a contribution to the poor. Also, many families tend to buy new clothes in honor of the holiday.

#Eid_al_Adha #Islam #sacrifice

Picture Source: The attached photo was taken from the last post in the compilation. The use of the image is made in accordance with section 27A of the Copyright Law. The rights holder is welcome to contact us for credit or to request that we remove the image.

