Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


Moving the Grish’s Caravan

“The caravan of the Grish [Rabbi Yosef Shalom] was moved to Ramat Shlomo

* The mythical caravan used by the great desicor of the generation HaGarish Elyashiv [1] may his name rest in peace.
Plans to be moved, was first revealed to Behadrei Haredim, and was after declared a heritage site for preservation – only after being approved by the Jerusalem Municipality.
It was then transferred this morning from Mea Shearim in Jerusalem to the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood *

Behadrei Haredim has learned that Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon has decided to preserve the legacy of the late Rabbi Elyashiv and moved the caravan in its entirety to the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood, where prayer and study will continue in his beit midrash [learning hall] to uplift his soul.

This morning, the grandson, Rabbi Aryeh Elyashiv, arrived with some of the students to pray for the last time and to accompany the entire evacuation with Psalms from the place where the teaching of Israel was given. Even those who engaged in the work of evacuation were pious Jews.

During the evacuation, Rabbi Aryeh Elyashiv said that, 'today we are fulfilling the will of the Rabbi who signed that after the owners [of the area] demand the land [back], we will vacate it'.

As you may recall, the area on which the caravan stands is located on Deborah Hanavia Street covers places, peoples and languages. It originally belonged to the Ethiopian Church, and later sparked a bitter debate about it between the old monarchy and the new government in Ethiopia. At the end of a long legal process, it was purchased by a wealthy Jew from Miami, who agreed to give the land a limited time for the beit midrash of the greatest of the generation. The condition he set was clear: as soon as he asked, the worshipers and learners would be evacuated.

In the month of Elul 5763, the structure was established and Rabbi Elyashiv and his students enjoyed it for eight years, until his death. In those years, Rabbi Elyashiv gave thousands of lessons and answered tens of thousands of questions.

After his death, his grandson, the faithful trustee of his house, Rabbi Aryeh, continued to live in and have possession of the place. To this day, seven years after the Rabbi's departure, his grandson and trustee of his house, Rabbi Aryeh Elyashiv, continues to come to the neighborhood every day, opens the doors and sets up the learning hall.

In the [Hebrew] month of Tammuz 2009 it was revealed in Behadrei Haredim that the owner decided to exercise their right to the area after it is a large area in a requested location, and its value is estimated at tens of millions of shekels. At the request of the chairman of the Preservation Committee, Yochanan Weizmen, a member of the Jerusalem City Council, the caravan was added to the list of preserved sites.

At the request of the family and MK Yitzhak Pindros, the mayor went straight into the thick of things and after efforts, a respectable area was located in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood where the caravan was placed to continue to be used by Torah scholars.”

▶️ Source: Behadrei Haredim
0202 Editor's Notes:
[1] Rabbi Yosef Chaim Shalom Elyashiv was the leader of the Lithuanian Ultra-Orthodox community until his death in 2012.

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