Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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רוצים לדעת מי אנחנו?

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"'May there be peace within your ranks, tranquility in your palaces.' (Psalms 122:7)
We, the undersigned, join in the the important call to every Jewish home to honor and cherish the beauty of the home [1].
We seek to strengthen the spirit of The Women of Israel.
Violence of any kind is forbidden by the laws of the Torah as it is written:
'Ra’sha, [2] Why do you hit your brother? [3]'

– This picture is being circulated on Haredi Whatsapp groups.

[1] This poster seeks to frame, in religious terms, a strong condemnation of domestic violence against women in Haredi homes. The subject is considered taboo, more so than in secular circles, and thus the phenomenon is not explicitly mentioned.
[2] Ra'sha- Evil person. When people gossip or utter words of "Lashon Harah," they feel that such an action should be condoned because that person is a "ra'sha" or an evil person. In other contexts, people feel that it is difficult to determine who is and who is not a ra'sha, and therefore it is not so simple to make such a judgement.
[3] Quotation from Exodus 2:13, feauturing in tomorrow's weekly Torah portion.

#Rasha #WomenofIsrael #Spirit

