Knesset Members Discuss Police Enforcement of Corona Regulations Among Children
"Former Police District Commander: 'Leave The Children Alone'
*Former Police District Commander, Miki Levy, participated in a debate about the footage released of police harassing a young girl [who was not wearing a mask].
•‘Leave children alone until they are 13 years old, what is this insanity?’
At the opening of the committee meeting which occurred yesterday (Tuesday), Knesset members dealt with the horrific footage of Jerusalem policemen fining a 10 year old girl [for not wearing a mask], after according to her she pulled her mask down to take a sip of her slushy which was in her hand.
Committee head and member of Knesset, Moshe Gafni said: ‘I saw the behaviour of the policemen towards a 10 year old girl who was walking with a stroller and her other siblings and then decided to take her mask off to have a sip of her slushy, at which point the police fined her for not wearing a mask. I am not criticizing the police, they need to continue to do their work, however I also saw similar behaviour in Tel Aviv from the police.’
Gafni added ‘ I think that whoever fills the role of Chief of the Police and the Minister of Interior Defence, needs to give directives to have some sort of common sense, when a young girl is walking with other children, you don’t do this. The police have power, they were given this power by the lawmakers, which allows them to enforce this sort of thing, however to take a 10 year old girl and cause her to cry for taking a sip from her drink, makes no sense’ claims Gafni.
He added that, ‘In Tel Aviv, the police beat someone up and we are not talking about criminals, we are talking about ordinary people… I call on the Minister of Internal Security to check things out and to act with common sense’
Gafni’s claim was supported by former Police District Commander Miki Levy, who stated: ‘I understand the police have an obligation but we need to establish that they should not deal with children, a child sees a policeman and is startled. Leave children alone until the ages of 13,14, what is this madness? And also in relation to the sum of the fine, frankly, it is excessive. I personally pushed for a warning before the fine. 500 shekel is a lot of money in these uncertain times, and this is what leads to situations like this'."
▶️Source : BeHadrei Haredim
For a Previous Post About This See: https://bit.ly/328HtJF
In The Picture: Knesset Member Miki Levy in a discussion
#Corona #Enforcement #Mask #Children #Miki_Levy
Picture Source: Screenshot from video which appears in original source