Eida Haredit [1] Anti Election Rally.
"As before every election, the Eida Haredit held a anti “impure” election rally in Jerusalem.
Grand rabbi Yitzchok Tovia Wiess promised, 'all who will abstain from voting and won't be a partner in eroding religion, I will personally bless that he will have God fearing children and only merit happiness from them.'”
▶️ Source: BeHadrei Haredim
0202 Editors Notes:
[1] The Eidah HaCharedit was founded in 1921 as an Ashkenazi Anti-Zionist union. Today, the Eidah HaCharedit is the leading Anti-Zionist force in the Haredi Ashkenazi community. They do not recognize the State of Israel as a legitimate jewish state, do't vote, and take hardline views towards all things religious. The Eidah HaCharedit endorses protests against the state and alleges government and police brutality towards Haredim. Major sects in the group include those that are mainly based in Me'ah She'arim including Toldot Aron, Toldot Avraham Yitzchak, and Dushintzy.
#Elections #Eida_Haredit