Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


Diabetes Awareness Campaign

"Images from the campaign to raise awareness about diabetes [1] in the holy city of carried out by the Saned Group [2] under the title 'Diabetes Will Never Control my Life'. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the dangers of diabetes, in addition to ways to avoid or limit it by sharing brochures with information about diabetes; showing some foods that are good for diabetics and some which raise blood sugar. Also, checking the blood sugar for those who participated in the campaign.

Thank you to everyone who believes in the capabilities of Saned and those who have given us their time to be on their side "

️ ▶️ Source: Saned Facebook Page
0202 Editor's Note:
[1] "The prevalence of Diabetes in the Palestinian population in the West Bank, Gaza and E. Jerusalem is high at 15.3% (published) compared to a worldwide prevalence of 6%. However, anecdotal information from numerous sources suggest the rate could be much higher (18-21%)." Source: World of Diabetes Foundation https://www.worlddiabetesfoundation.org/projects/west-bank-and-gaza-wdf15-1304

[2] The Jerusalem Saned (lit. support) Youth Group was established in 2014 as an independent nonpartisan movement. The group was established as part of a youth initiative to strengthen the role of Jerusalem youth through the planning and implementation of volunteer activities and projects aimed at increasing the active involvement of youth in community through volunteer work.

#Saned #Diabetes #Health
