#A_View_from_West_Jerusalem #A_View_from_Haredi_Jerusalem #A_View_from_East_Jerusalem
News Digest: Jerusalemites demand that all mayoral candidates represent all Jerusalemites at 'Jerusalem Covenant' Convention
"Last night, our future council members and residents from all across the Jerusalem spectrum gathered to discuss the practical implications of the #Jerusalem_Covenant and its impact on the future of the city.
We sat together with 70 people in circles and talked – political opponents and people from all different sectors – speaking openly and candidly, listening with respect and tolerance – and we came out with practical steps that will shape the way our new council will work for Jerusalemites – ALL Jerusalemites – on a daily, everyday basis.
It is quite amazing that the representatives of מאוחדים עם אריה קינג
מרצ ירושלים – משמר החופש והסביבה התעוררות בירושלים ירושלים תצליח – Jerusalem Will Succeed הליכוד בירושלים – מחל יוסי חביליו – Yosi Havilio Moshe Lion – משה ליאון סיעת ירושלמים צעירי ירושלים all sat together with residents of all backgrounds to discuss our shared future.
It was democracy at its best, a sight I've never seen before. And it seems only natural that it happened here, in Jerusalem, in the city that everyone thinks is torn and violent and angry, creating walls between its sectors that do not allow any changes or development.
As Hodiya Houminer-Rosenblum said yesterday, 'It's amazing to hear how everyone – citizens and candidates alike – want to focus on how they can benefit others, others who are not on their home team. Getting out of the mindset of thinking about your own affairs and think about other groups, even when usually elections are all about you.'
And as שייקה אל עמי said, 'The fact that candidates arrived in droves – a day and a half before the elections – is a miracle. It's not a coincidence – people showed up because they understand that something big is happening here.'
From Jerusalem a new Gospel shall come forth: how to manage a diverse and complex city, how to live side by side, even if not always together, but in peace and fairness and caring from neighbors who do not resemble one another.
Look out for our next posts – we will summarize the insights presented to our newly elected Council."
– Michal Sherez Shilor
"So who are we? And what do we want?
We are a group of Jerusalemites from all sectors and communities, who understand that the day after the elections we will all continue to live here together. We do not call to vote for anyone specific, as we know opinions are divided. We DO call on candidates and their supporters to look at and SEE everyone. To know that in order to maintain the unique fabric of life in Jerusalem one must take care of everyone – each according to his needs. That is why we formulated the "Jerusalem Convent" and called on everyone to sign it."
Please join us by signing the covenant: https://www.seeusjerusalem.com/
– The Jerusalem Covenant
[Here we are]. Bringing lofty language down to earth, and reshaping the rules of the urban game.
I came because I care. I stayed because of the cakes.
– Fay Sukenik