Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


Haredim Watching the Soccer World Cup, West Jerusalemites Comment

"Watching the Soccer World Cup Without Being Caught by the Mashgiach [1]: The Haredim’s Challenging Month.

Yes, Haredim watch the World Cup too, but it turns out that it isn’t that simple. If, by chance, you are in a yeshiva [2] that is considered ‘closed’, watching the games is a real operation and entails great personal risk. But when it comes to soccer – the vast majority are willing to take on the challenge.

Almost every secular Israeli has a large TV screen at home, or even better, a ticket to Russia to watch the games. But what do you think a yeshiva student who is interested in watching the games does?

So where do all these Haredim go to watch the games? There are a couple of popular spots in Jerusalem, among them are Klal Center, Ben Yehuda street, the market area [3]. However, the most popular location is the Arab village Abu Ghosh situated at the Capital’s entrance.

[…] Those who study in yeshivas that are considered more ‘open’ often watch the games in the yeshiva itself. But what happens in more ‘closed’ yeshivas? The games are watched there too, but it’s less common. There, those watching the game risk getting caught by the Mashgiach Rabbi. If you get caught, you might receive a 'red card' – a ban from watching the rest of the games, or it could even lead to your expulsion from the yeshiva.

– myNet Jerusalem [Written by a Haredi student on a west Jerusalem site]

[Selected Comments:]
– "I see that you have a lot of free time."
– [In response:] "Definitely [looks like it]. He needs to be drafted, and soon [4]. Sitting around watching the World Cup all day – he should go do some guard duty [as a soldier]."
– "And he even has time to write articles about how to evade the rabbi so he can watch soccer, eat snacks, and drink beer and alcohol."
– "What a slacker!…Either go draft into the IDF or study the Torah all day. Go join the army! The nerve of him."

0202 Editor's Notes:
[1] A Mashgiach is a Rabbi in a Yeshiva who is responsible for the moral conduct of the yeshiva's students, and ensures that they abide by the yeshiva's rules of conduct.
[2] An institution where Jewish texts are studied.
[3] Nightlife centers in Jerusalem.
[4] The comments refer to the fact that even though there is a mandatory military service in Israeli, Haredi youth can choose to declare that they wish to devote themselves to the study of Jewish texts. This exempts many Haredim from military service resulting in controversial debate in Israeli society.

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