Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"Ze'ev Elkin [1] has gone back to living with his mother at the age of 47.
I’m kidding. He’ll continue to live in Gush Etzion [2], but he has registered himself here [in Jerusalem] so that he can run for mayor and earn political cred at the expense of us all.
I mean, it’s obvious that as someone who hasn’t lived here these past few years, he doesn’t have the faintest idea of how this volatile city works; one who divides the world between the religious and secular populations and doesn’t understand that, here, we speak a completely different language; one that thinks that because he held the most ludicrous position in our government, ‘Minister of Jerusalem Affairs,’ he knows how this city should be managed from the bottom up; and worst of all, someone that failed to give one (one!) clear answer to Nir Hasson's [3] questions, in an article that shows that national media still fails to understand that there are new forces rising in Jerusalem (I’m waiting for Haaretz newspaper’s article with Ofer Berkovitch [4]).

And he did it today. Why? Because today is the last day to change your address to Jerusalem. And if he can do it, so can you. You not only can do it, you must do it. Because if you really are residents of Jerusalem, if you study and live here, you won’t return to Gush Etzion the moment after the elections if you lose. Because Jerusalem, for you, is a place of culture, the center of your social life, your home, your place of study, a place in which you will raise your kids in the future; and not a political springboard for someone who understood that, in spite of his power in the Likud [5], the furthest he can get to is, well, Minister of Jerusalem Affairs.

And don’t get me wrong, I don't have anything against Elkin (yes, I know he’s responsible for environmental protection too), but the mere thought that Jerusalem is some kind of political prize lying on the floor waiting to be picked up is so outrageous, so detached, a thought that belongs to other times. It would be good if someone could remind the honorable minister of that.

It’s so simple, and you’ve only got this evening to do it. If Elkin could do it, so can you. It only takes five minutes."

– Tomer Naor, West Jerusalemite Activist

"Elkin is one of my favorite MKs. That is why I am especially sad today, following the strategic and moral mistake he made in declaring that he will be running for mayor of Jerusalem. Why was it a moral and strategic mistake?
1. Jerusalem isn’t a ‘job.’ Whoever needs to transfer his address to Jerusalem just so that he can run for election isn’t worthy of the position of mayor. Period.
2. Elkin’s strengths and advantages don’t suit the position of Jerusalem mayor. Elkin is a brilliant strategist, an extremely talented legislator, a man I am happy to see sitting on Israel’s cabinet. Elkin isn’t a good manager. He doesn’t know how to advance complicated projects. He isn’t a mayor.
3. No one has any idea what Elkin’s opinions are in matters crucial to Jerusalemites in daily life: from matters of religion and city, to the balance between investment in culture, infrastructures and sanitation. Why should we support a candidate whose opinions we don’t know when there’s another candidate named Ofer Berkovitch who has a record of 10 years of consistency and success?
In short, dear Elkin, thank you but, no thank you.
It’s better for us to vote for someone who doesn’t wait for elections to become a Jerusalemite. And that’s true for us too – Likud supporters.
We will all be voting Ofer Berkovitch for mayor. We will all be voting ‘Hit’orerut in Jerusalem’."

– Dan Illouz, Member of Hit'orerut Party

0202 Editor's Notes:
[1] Ze'ev Elkin is an Israeli Minister and Member of Knesset. He is a member of the Likud party.
[2] Gush Etzion is an area of Israeli settlements south of Jerusalem.
[3] Nir Hasson is a journalist who writes about current events in Jerusalem.
[4] Head of Jerusalemite party 'Hit'orerut', one of two prominent pluralist parties in the city. He is running for mayor in the upcoming elections.
[5] Likud is an Israeli party. It is currently the largest party in the coalition.

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