Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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רוצים לדעת מי אנחנו?

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"The results of a survey held by the Central Bureau of Statistics in anticipation of the Jerusalem municipal elections:

Moshe Lion 15%
Yossi Havilio 25%
Ofer Berkovitch 10%
Azor Ezra 50%

Friends, let’s keep the power in our hands, and help Azor Ezra lead because they say: It’s good when the steering wheel is in Azor Ezra’s hands, because only Azor knows what’s good for Jerusalem!"

– Jerusalemites FB Group

[Selected Comments:]
– "Who the hell is this? LOL"
– "Every other person puts up a name we’ve never heard of."

– "Yes, who’s heard of him?"
– [In response:] "Azor Ezra is an Egged bus driver from the Har Nof [neighborhood] branch. An excellent man – he loves Jerusalem and Jerusalem loves him."
– [In response:] "I am an excellent person, and I too love Jerusalem and Jerusalem loves me, but what can you do, I’m not well known. An Egged driver is good for 50 people, but isn’t suitable for a million. […]"
– [In response:] "Where’s your head?! Azor Ezra is good for 2 million people."
– [In response:] "Who’s heard of him?!"
– [In response:] "What? Who’s heard of him? Azor Ezra is a grand bus worker – drives it. Everyone in Jerusalem knows him."
– [In response:] "Does everyone use the bus?"
– [In response:] "Now you’re laughing but wait and see. Azor Ezra will conquer Jerusalem."

– "Friends, wake up – the only option is Ofer Berkovitch."
– "Hilarious. Berkovitch generated a survey for himself in which he received 80% of the votes. So now Ezra’s got a survey? The only option is Yossi Havilio."

– [Azor Ezra:] "Today, I allow myself to respond to everything that has been said, and to present some of the things I wish to change in the city. Firstly, to prevent the Haredi takeover of the city as much as possible, and allow businesses to work on the Sabbath; to advance plans for a shopping center like 'Big' that will be open on the Sabbath; to run public transportation, at a lower frequency rate, from residential areas to the city center; to reach a point that the residents of Tel Aviv will say that the best thing there is in Tel Aviv is the way to Jerusalem. Together we shall win."
– [In response:] "To this day, what have you done to further this agenda?"
– [In response:] "You shouldn’t ask what he has done, but what he will do. You should focus on the future, not the past."

0202 Editor's Notes:
Apparently a joke. This post ridicules a recurring occurrence in Jerusalemite municipal politics: a person unknown to the city appears a few months before elections and runs for the position of mayor.
It appears that some of the commenters – used as they are to the aforementioned phenomenon – failed to understand that this was a humorous post.

#Elections #Municipality #Humor

