Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


“Hit’orerut party calls to the Yerushalmim party: ‘Now is the time to join forces, and create a unified front'

‘One group, with us at its head, will bring hope back to Jerusalem,’ was published by the ‘Hit’orerut’ party after Barkat [Jerusalem's Mayor] froze Yerushalmim’s return to the coalition. Hit’orerut is taking advantage of the crisis with the Haredim that has risen in connection with Yerushalmim’s impending entry into the coalition.

‘It’s time to join forces. Now is the time to stand together as one with a common goal to secure Jerusalem’s zionistic future and [pluralistic] tolerance. Jerusalem is suffering from a serious leadership crisis; the mayor is under political pressure and is not focused on Jerusalem, but rather on his political agenda to run for Knesset. He is doing so all while taking advantage of public funds and dragging the city’s residents along for the ride.

Today more than ever we need to offer a clear and uncompromising alternative to the current leadership. One force led by Hit’orerut will bring hope back to Jerusalem. We call on everyone, including the Yerushalmim party, to join us.’ – Hit’orerut’s message.”

– mynet Jerusalem

0202 Editor's Notes:
Yerushalmim and Hit'orerut are two local parties. Their voter constituency is primarily made of non-Haredi residents of Jerusalem, particularly the younger population and secular Jerusalemites. They promote a pluralistic agenda.
This week the Yerushalmim party signed an agreement with Jerusalem Mayor Barkat and were supposed to join the coalition. Their entry into the coalition was halted by Haredi parties.

For more on this story, see:

#City_Hall #Pluralist_Voice #Leadership
