Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

News Digest: Shavuot Holiday [1]


“On the morning of Shavuot, this is what our city looks like…Where is the municipality? Where?!?

– Ariel Alali to ‘Jerusalemites’ FB page

[Selected Comments:]
– “I don’t understand people who get up in the morning and look for someone to harass and blame. Municipality employees are on holiday like the rest of the people in Israel. You should complain to the people who threw the garbage out like that.”
– "It’s not that, brother, it's about building proper infrastructure that will contain the quantity of garbage that accumulates while sanitation workers in the city are on vacation, or during any other holiday."


“284 [Israeli] settlers infiltrate Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Shavuot Jewish Holiday

284 [Israeli] settlers infiltrated Al-Aqsa Mosque through Al-Magharbeh Gate this Sunday morning under heavy Occupation police protection; this comes on what is called the Jewish Shavuot Holiday in which the Torah came down to the Jewish people.

Occupation police increased security measures on all gates leading to Al-Aqsa Mosque; special police units, as well as SWAT teams, were dispatched around the mosque gates and courtyards to provide security for the infiltrations of the Jewish extremists.

These infiltrations come following calls by so-called ‘Temple organizations’ [2] to participate in ‘large-scale group infiltrations’ on the Shavuot Holiday.

Provocative tours were organized [for the Israelis] on the grounds of the mosque in which they were given explanations about the so-called ‘Temple;’ some of the settlers also tried to perform Talmudic rituals and prayers during their infiltration of Al-Aqsa, but [Palestinian] security guards and worshippers confronted them.

It is expected that Al-Aqsa Mosque will see a great number of infiltrations today and tomorrow [May 20, 2018] for this Jewish holiday. Temple organizations will also attempt to recite verses from the Torah inside Al-Aqsa…”

– Quds News Network

0202 Editor's Notes:
[1] Shavuot, sometimes known as the Festival of the Weeks, is a Jewish holiday to mark the end of the Counting of the Omer and the anniversary of the day when Jewish people received the Torah.
[2] Temple organizations are Jewish organizations that call to build a Third Temple on the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound.

#Shavuot #Municipality #AlAqsa

