Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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רוצים לדעת מי אנחנו?

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


“Missionaries in Jerusalem

Haredi Jerusalem has been covered in giant signs presenting missionary content. In the past few days, missionaries have spread around Jerusalem’s Haredi neighborhoods, in a massive and angering campaign, at the cost of no less than 1.8 million dollars. During the campaign, the missionaries covered the advertisement boards in Haredi neighborhoods around Jerusalem with especially sophisticated ads, designed to attract children. The ads are designed like a comic, with characters boasting a Haredi appearance, and conveying missionary messages. In order to banish any worry, the men putting up the posters were dressed up Haredi as well. The organization 'Yad L’Achim' [1] immediately stepped into action and enlisted volunteers to remove the signs. 'We’ll be keeping our guards up until the missionary terrorists will leave the city and give up', emphasized Yad L’Achim.”

– This Week in Jerusalem magazine

0202 Editor’s Notes:
[1] Yad L’Achim – (lit., “a hand for brothers” is an orthodox Jewish organization in Israel, operating in the fields of outreach, counter-missionary, and involvment in cases of inter-religious relationships.
