Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"Watch: Settler gangs burn a Palestinian vehicle in Beit Safafa in occupied Jerusalem."

– Al-Quds New Network

[Select comments:]
-"May God bear witness to our Murabitoun in Jerusalem and give them strength… So sorry, I can only pray."
-"An eye for an eye and it escalates… It's starting to get worse ✋ We should start posting a night watch for observation."

0202 Editor's Notes:
Murabit (plural: Murabitoun) is a term for a Muslim warrior in a state of "rebat," meaning linkage, or bondage. It refers to a sort of mental preparation to protect Muslim sanctities. The mourabitat, or those who fulfill the commandment of being present in God's honor, serve as civilian guards in holy Muslim sites. Today in the Muslim world, due to religious and political threats, Jerusalem is a particularly important location for Mourabitat, specifically at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

