Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


News Digest: Nir Barakat Helps Hang Up U.S. Embassy Signs

“Street signs are being put up in Jerusalem pointing to the direction of the [new] U.S. embassy with the help of the Mayor of the Occupation Nir Barakat who helped put up one of the signs; he also posted on his FB page, ‘This is not a dream. This is real.’ He then added, ‘I am excited and proud to put up the first sign for the U.S embassy that will open its headquarters next week.’”

– Jerusalem First

“Nir Barakat, the Mayor of the Occupation, oversees putting up the sign for the [new] U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.”

– Beit Hanina –Jerusalem

[Selected Comments:]
– “Jerusalem is ours.”
– “But the guy standing behind that pole who is putting it up is an Arab; I can tell from his sweat and the color of his hands that he is an Arab.”
– “Where is it going to be located in Jerusalem?”
– “It’s going to be located in Jabal Mukaber.”
– “Politics.”

#US_Embassy #Nir_Barakat #Jerusalem #Capital #Trump

