Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"Even though it’s simple, it's not easy for me to say.

The Giro d'Italia race that took place in Jerusalem on Friday, was the largest sporting event in Israel, and the second most important bicycle event after the Tour de France. [1]

But this race was an alienating and condescending demonstration that told residents: We will not even explain to you whether it's good for you, and we will not even tell you that it hurts. All we'll say is that it's ‘very good’ for the city. And we will not prepare you in advance and we won't try to make things easier for you!

Why? Because I ‘know’ what's good for you…

The race was a blatant demonstration of disrespect and indifference towards Jerusalem's residents. Women were stuck with their babies three hours away from home! People roamed the streets for an hour in order to cross the road.
People walked for miles to try to get home!

The preliminary explanations of which roads would be blocked and where, were not at all clear,. Moreover, at the time of the race, many policemen did not even know how to cross the road and when to cross.

Contemptuous, disrespectful and shameful!”

-Zevik Aviner

0202 Editor’s notes:
[1] The international Giro D'Italia bicycle race took place in Jerusalem on Friday, May 4th. The city center was inaccessible by car due to road closures. Another cycling event will be held next Friday. There has been much debate in the city surrounding these large events and the disruption they cause.

#Giro_ditalia #Sport #Jerusalem_Municipality #Culture

