Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"For the first time, there is a joint Jewish-Arab list for City Council.

For the first time, an Israeli-Palestinian party list has formed to try to bring Arab Jerusalemites out to the polls. This could be a total game-changer. […] This is a dramatic move attempting to bring Arab East Jerusalemites to the polls for the first time, to get them more involved in municipal activity, and to elect a City Council member to represent them.

More than a quarter of a million Arab-Jerusalemites live in the East Jerusalem neighborhoods. Most do not hold Israeli citizenship, although they are able to apply for it, but rather have resident status, which grants them the right to vote in municipal elections but not in Knesset elections. People from East Jerusalem who have tried to run for local elections in the past were quickly renounced in Arab society, threatened, and accused of being collaborators with the Zionists.

The person behind the new list is Gershon Baskin, an American now residing in Jerusalem, a renowned peace activist, and one of the lead negotiators in the negotiations for the release of Gilad Shalit."

– This Week in Jerusalem Newspaper

#Elections #Representation #East_Jerusalem #Municipality
