Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"What happens when a community representative, Head of the Treasury Committee, Tzvika Yongris from Pisgat Ze'ev [1] in Jerusalem, demands that there will be gender segregated hours for the pool being built in the neighborhood? 'Very simple,' he says, 'don't be shy – do whatever you want, it's just a pool for 'Russians who eat pig [2].'

There are many Russian-speaking immigrants in Jerusalem in general, and Pisgat Ze'ev in particular, that were offended by these words. I advocated on behalf of the residents following this insult, and appealed to the mayor that he should fire this racist immediately."

– Ilya Lipetsker in the Facebook group 'Russian Women Without a Sense of Humor and Their Friends'

0202 Editor's Note:
[1] Pisgat Ze’ev is a neighborhood on the eastern side of the 1948 Armistice Border with a mix of religious and secular Jews, and a small minority of Palestinian Arabs.
[2] 'Russians who eat pig' is a derogatory term to refer to Russian immigrants to Israel. The term refers to Jewish dietary laws that prohibit the consumption of pork.
#Russian #Pisgat_Zeev #Racism
