Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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רוצים לדעת מי אנחנו?

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"Shalem College [1] is hosting a conference about gender. When there is finally something about gender in this important institution, it has to be 'balanced.' And I'm 'killing off' the conference because it's important for me to say something to these young and talented students about being daring, and about their role in the world.

I hope you will listen carefully to Nir Menussi [1]. Take care to pay attention to his new age words mixed with Hasidic sermons and ask why he insists on essentialism. Ask how has essentialism ever improved the lives of women generally and Jewish women in particular?

And when you listen to Chaim Navon [2], pay attention to who among you he's pushing out like the end of Shabbat. Who would Navon, as a conservative, stand for the in the 19th century, demanding the right to vote and the right to be elected?

And listen critically to Gabriel Bukobza [3] who has, albeit sweetly, shrugged off the new male responsibility for feminism. And that's me being gentle. Check out Yaron Schwartz [4] and when you listen to Galit Distal Atbaryan [5] know that it's a shame that you never met Orit Kamir [6] who led a lot of the social change in the struggle against sexual assault in Israel, and Ronit Irshai who is forming the religious feminism in this generation.

Because if a real discussion about gender is so rare at Shalem, it's only fitting that women would be a little less well behaved because, as we've learned, "well-behaved women seldom make history." And after this long rant, here's the truth: We, men and women, who feel a sense of obligation as feminists, need you all to grow up and be daring partners in action, striving for equality. The road is long, but you have great privilege and a great responsibility in being born to this generation."

– Channa Pinchasi

0202 Editor's notes:
[1] Shalem College is Israel's first liberal arts college. It was founded in 2013 and is located in Jerusalem.
[1] Nir Menussi is a writer and lecturer who often discusses the intersection between Judaism and Western culture, Hassidic ideology and psychology.
[2] Chaim Navon is a Rabbi who teaches Gemara and Jewish philosophy at post high school Jewish studies institutions.
[3] Gabriel Bukobza is a therapist and psychology lecturer at Tel Aviv University.
[4] Yaron Schwartz researches the intersecting fields of gender, masculinity and education. He has developed programs to teach gender studies to students in Israeli schools.
[5] Galit Distal Atbaryan is a publicist and journalist.
[6] Orit Kamir is a lawyer, feminist and human rights activist who was heavily involved in writing sexual harassment legislation in Israel.

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