Points of Views
From Jerusalem
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


Legal battle erupts between Mir Yeshiva and local businesses

"A local store owner is threatening to sue Jerusalem's Mir Yeshiva over accusations that the Yeshiva is causing him monetary loss.

With over 7,500 single and married students, the prestigious Mir Yeshiva is the largest yeshiva in Israel and is also believed to be the largest yeshiva in the world. Located in Jerusalem's Beit Yisrael neighborhood, its large student population is a key generator of the local economy.

The saga turned into a long-running battle between the Mir Yeshiva leadership and the local business owners, which included threats by the Yeshiva to yank the kosher certification from such restaurants that remained open. The matter came to a close after the Yeshiva promised to financially compensate the stores that closed before 11 PM.

However, Kikar Hashabbat reports that a prominent local businessman is claiming that the yeshiva backtracked out of the agreement and refused to compensate him despite having closed his eatery at the desired time. According to the report, he has sent a letter to Yeshiva management threatening to sue them in a Jewish court if the dispute is not settled.

Recently, the Mir Yeshiva disseminated official letters to the student body warning them not to buy at the stores which did not heed the Yeshiva's instructions. "We return to tell you that our rabbis decided that stores which remain open after 11 at night, such as "Sweet Times" etc. Do not enter them or buy from them at any time until they accept the rules onto themselves."

– Arutz Sheva

