Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


“Pasta Bassa! [‘shame!’, play on the restaurant’s name ‘Pasta Basta’]

The network of pasta restaurants ‘Pasta Basta’ has let us down!

At first, your branch in the MahaneYehuda market removed the rabbinate supervisors and introduced 'private supervision', causing hundreds of customers to leave the restaurant [2].
Your branch in Petah Tikva became a meeting place for many religious youths.
And lately, you have been throwing sand into the eyes of your sympathetic clientele.
You gave up the Kashrut of the rabbinate overnight and brought in Tzohar's supervision.
To the questions of the disappointed customers you answered – this is the policy of the chain …
All the branches have moved to Tzohar …! [3]
As if past experiences in Jerusalem were not enough, you again decide to betray the rabbinate and the public that not only is kashrut important for them but also to remain faithful to the supervision of the established Kashrut organization.

Once again you chose to go with the whims of kashrut organizations that receive praise from Reform Jews and a lot of criticism from great and important rabbis.

We will vote with our feet.

If you want to eat kosher, do not go into Pasta Basta under the supervision of Tzohar!

We want to eat kosher!” [1]

– Chotam Facebook Page

[Selected Comments:]
– “It is amazing how in your holy war, with anyone who does not align with your beliefs, you do not hesitate to violate the Torah prohibition and libel. A whole post on the fact that Pasta Basta chose kashrut outside the rabbinate and somehow you came to the conclusion that they are not kosher”.
– “Wow! Good to hear, thanks for informing us! Now we have more of a reason to visit Pasta Basta!]
– “We don’t eat gluten but we will come drink juice at Past Basta. The Chief Rabbinate will not hold a monopoly on Judaism and will not use Judaism as an excuse to run a Mafia. There are other ways to be kosher and probably with much less corruption”.

0202 Editor's notes:
[1] Dietary laws: When a restaurant chooses to observe the rules that make an establishment kosher (Jewish religious dietary restrictions), it can pay to have an inspector frequent the premises to make sure that the food is indeed upheld to certain Jewish legal standards. The restaurant then receives a certificate showing that it is under rabbinical supervision. In Israel, a business may only advertise that it's products are kosher if it received certification from a local branch of the state rabbinate.
[2] ‘Hashgacha Pratit’ (in Hebrew, means ‘private supervision’) is an association that offers an alternative private supervision. That is, they offer restaurants the option to observe kosher standards by providing private supervision to ensure that the food is kosher. Beyond regular inspections from the association, the business owners sign to uphold a “covenant of trust” that they will maintain the religious dietary restrictions. The inspection is ‘community-based,’ the ‘community’ being the customers and the association promises to notify its ‘community’ if a business fails to meet the standards. This alternative Kosher model grew out of criticism by restaurant owners against the financial and religious monopoly of the rabbinical bodies. By law, the restaurant may post a document that it complies with kosher laws, uses kosher ingredients, etc. However, the restaurant may not advertise that the establishment is kosher.
[3] Tzohar rabbinical association opened its own kashrut licensing authority in competition with the Chief Rabbinate. Tzohar’s kashrut authority will provide a viable and competitive alternative to that of the Chief Rabbinate, may prompt other groups to enter the market, and will certainly evoke the ire of the religious establishment.

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