Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


“This is Natalie Portman, a very famous American actress. She spent her childhood in occupied Palestine, specifically in Jerusalem, born to a Jewish father and an American mother. She won an Oscar not too long ago. Natalie refused to receive an Israeli award worth two million dollars [1] in solidarity with the martyrs of ‘The Great Return March’ [2] in Gaza.

The funny but sad thing about this is that this Jewish woman was too ashamed to receive an award from the Zionist Occupation—she refused two million dollars, while some Arabs tip their hats to the Occupation for killing Palestinians and thank them for it free of charge. I’m not going to mention any country by name because most people know which countries I am talking about.

It seems to me that Natalie knows her true value, and chose her dignity and the dignity of the Palestinian people and their rights over everything. But that Arab who thanks the Occupation for killing Palestinians is lower in my eyes than a dead cockroach on a pile of smelly garbage which smells better to me than the terrible stench coming from some Arabs who have no dignity.

To those Arabs I say: have some shame you bastards.

– Eyes of Jerusalem

0202 Editor’s Note
[1] Last week, Natalie Portman announced that she would not be attending the Genesis Prize ceremony to receive her award. After stirring up much debate, Natalie Portman publicly explained her choice not to attend as her way of being critical of the Israeli leadership and Netanyahu government, as any citizen has the right to do, and not as any affiliation with the BDS movement. To read her full explanation of the decision, see: https://bit.ly/2qRPeAc
[2] The Great Return March is a serious of mass demonstrations organized by Palestinians this year to mark 70 years since the Nakba. This will include 45 days of protests and events that include mass protests on the border with Gaza where many Palestinians have already been shot and killed.

#Natalie_Portman #Prize #Politics #Government #Criticism #BDS

