Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"The Elia Media Center in Jerusalem was closed following an order issued by Lieberman

The Israeli Occupation authorities closed the Elia Youth Media Center located on Salah a-Din Street in occupied Jerusalem, under an order issued by Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman.

The Occupation police and the Shin Bet security service issued an order to the Mossad headquarters to close it on the grounds that it is a 'terrorist organization.' This order is signed by Lieberman and is based on the 'Counter-terrorism Bill of 2016.'

In a tweet published on his Twitter, Lieberman claimed that the Elia Institute was 'posing as a community center for young people, but in practice recruited terrorist operatives and prepared them to produce videos of incitement and support for terrorist activity,' according to information gathered by the Shin Bet.

In response to the decision, the director of the Elia Institution, Ahmed Al-Safadi, explained that the Israeli authorities had posted the institution closure notice on the door of his headquarters on Salah a-Din Street when no one was inside.

He also condemned the Mossad's closure order and denied the accusations and allegations against him. He stressed that this is a media institution that provides communication services to Jerusalemite institutions, develops communication skills among young people, provides an opportunity for leadership and development, and provides a spirit of volunteerism in society."

– PalestineToday

0202 Editor's Note:
1. The Elia Media Center is a news agency that publishes news about East Jerusalem. The name Elia is the ancient name of Jerusalem in Arabic, based on the Roman name, Aelia Capitolina.
3. The Counter-terrorism Bill of 2016 defines what constitutes an act of terror, a terrorist organization, and a member of a terrorist organization. It also establishes legal guidelines with regards to punishment and administrative law. This bill was set in place as a means to better fight terrorism and regulate police authority in the matter. According to the bill, the police have the right to issue an order restricting the use of a place which is used for the activity of a terrorist organization.

#East_Jerusalem #Elia #Avigdor_Liberman #Communication #Youth #Community_Center #Counter_Terrorism

