Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"How do you cope with grief? And don’t tell me that time heals all -that’s a lie."

– Jerusalemites FB group

[Selected Comment:]
– "Today I had the privilege of circumcising my eldest son!
Wow, it is so challenging to write a sentence like that, a sentence that signifies great happiness, and then a moment later to stand with my son during the siren, to remember those who have fallen. Every year, I struggle with the difficult transition from commemorating Memorial Day, to celebrating Independence Day. This year, the difficulty will be doubled: I will be going from happiness to pain, and then from pain to happiness. I’ve asked myself: How do you cope? And how the hell can I make room for pain on the happiest day of my life?

All of a sudden, I understood it all. I understood that this crazy mixture of emotions is our greatest strength, it symbolizes continuity! We hurt, but we overcome the pain. We make room for the pain, but allow happiness to guide our lives. This is what we are, and this is our strength!

I held my son as I stood during the minute of silence, and I whispered in his ear: ‘My dear boy, when you grow up, reality won’t be the same. You won’t have to experience and see terrible things like your dad…But always remember that on this day, we make room for the pain, and respect the memory of the fallen. We fulfill their wish to continue forward courageously and determinedly. We are dedicated to their eternal heritage, "to be a free nation in our country."’

I gave him a kiss on his forehead and read a chapter from the Book of Psalms. Turns out that there is a way to cope – this is who we are, the People of Israel!

May their memory be blessed."

#Commemoration #Memorial_Day
