"Most from Jerusalem: 340 Palestinians arrested because of Facebook.
Occupation authorities have continuously been clamping down on Palestinians for their views and apparent activism on Facebook pages, and arrested some 340 since the outbreak of the 'Jerusalem Intifada' in October 2015. They charged them with incitement on social media networks and their use of pictures of martyrs or prisoners or by posting their appreciation and admiration of others' posts depicting such images.
The majority of the prisoners are from Jerusalem. Some of them were indicted and given fines and charged with incitement, while others were transferred to 'administrative detention' for a few months without trial. In other instances, some of those arrested were required to refrain from using (Facebook) before their release for designated periods as decided by the Occupation.
Arresting Palestinians for posting and sharing their views on Facebook is considered to be a completely arbitrary move, against all international legal agreements and conventions that guarantee the rights to individual thought and expression. All measures taken against the prisoners are oppressive and unjust."
– Lama Sahafa
#Intellectual_Freedoms #Arrests #Facebook