Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


Pictures from two protests in Jerusalem on Saturday night, against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is being investigated on corruption charges [1], and against the 'Recommendations Bill' [2] that is being debated in the Knesset:

[Translations of the signs in the pictures:]
-"The fish stinks from the head!"
-"Fed up with corruption!"
-"Lovers of Israel, Breaking up with Netanyahu"
-"Mandelblit, 'Friend'-Attorney [3]"
-"To the right, to the right, to the left, to the left, Corruption out!"
-"From the garbage can to fear"
(Illustration: "Police Recommendations" written on a can and thrown into a trash can)
-"Those who ravaged and ruined, you will soon leave. [4]"
-"Not the right, Not the left, Straight ahead!"
-"Justice, Justice, You shall pursue [5]."
-"Walk humbly"
-"'A prime minister up to his neck in investigations has no moral or public mandate to determine such critical issues for the State of Israel' – Netanyahu 2008 [6]"
-"The rule of law is neither right nor left"
-"The police and the army are for all of us"
-"We love Likud. We are fighting corruption"
-"For the sake of Democracy. For the sake of the rule of law. For the sake of pure values."
-"And your camp shall be pure [7]."
-"Those who are corrupt are a cancer to the nation. We have no other country!!"
– "We deserve clean politics"

0202 Editor's Note:
[1] In the past month, there have been ongoing protests in Israel regarding corruption charges brought against Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו. On Saturday night, there were two different, but related, demonstrations in Jerusalem in Kikar Zion and Kikar Paris. The first was organized by יועז הנדל Yoaz Hendel and the second by a local community Facebook group called כל מוצ"ש בירושלים – מפגינים נגד השחיתות השלטונית – "Every Saturday Night We Go Out [to Protest] Against Corruption – Jerusalem." For a previous post with two perspectives of people who participated in the protests, see https://goo.gl/h2C3Dz.
[2] The 'Recommendations Bill', currently being debated in the Knesset, if passed, would mean that the Police does not make a recommendation to the State Attorney's Office regarding whether, based on their investigation, they think the defendant is guilty or not.
[3] General Avichai Mandelblit is the Attorney General of Israel appointed by Netanyahu.
[4] This is a quote from Isaiah 49:17.
[5] This is a quote from Deuteronomy 16:18.
[6] Netanyahu said this in 2008, when he was Leader of the Opposition, concerning corruption charges levied against Ehud Olmert.
[7] This is a paraphrased quote from Deuteronomy 23:16.

#Netanyahu #Corruption_Charges #Protests

