“The first day of the Jewish holiday of Passover begins on Sunday, April 1st, and ends on April 5th.
During this time there will be a great number of daily infiltrations into Al-Aqsa Mosque [by Israelis], and temple organizations [1] will try to set a record number of [Israeli] infiltrators. In addition, extremist [Jewish] organizations have prepared their Judaization plans [for the holiday] which include activities for children, families and students which will take place inside Al-Aqsa. These organizations have also arranged a welcoming committee, food committee, as well as a committee to guide people through Al-Aqsa.
– In 2016, various temple organizations recorded some 410 [Israeli] infiltrations into al-Aqsa Mosque.
– In 2017 the number of [Israeli] infiltrators rose to 1025 during the same dates.
– Now we wonder what the number of [Israeli] infiltrators will be? Will it rise even more?
This all depends on the cooperation of the Murabeeten [2], and the cooperation of the [Palestinian] residents of Jerusalem between Sunday to Thursday."
– Shuafat Camp Youth Association
0202 Editor’s notes:
[1] Temple organizations are Jewish organizations that advocate for the establishment of the Third Temple in the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound.
[2] The Murabiteen, serve as civilian guards at holy Muslim sites. Jerusalem is a particularly important location for the Murabiteen, specifically at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. In recent months, a number of clashes have occurred between the Murabiteen and Israeli forces.
#AlAqsa #Murabiteen #Passover #temple_organizations