Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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רוצים לדעת מי אנחנו?

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"The state's Chametz [1] buyer: This time I do not want to return it at the end of Passover.

Before the holiday of Passover begins, Haaretz journalist Nir Guntaz called Hussein Jaber, the non-Jew who buys out the country's Chametz products on an annual basis.
Jaber, who serves as deputy mayor of Abu Ghosh, talks about the sale and says that 'all Chametz products in Israel sold during this time of year, are virtualy under his dominion. The rabbis sell it to me, and I pay partially in advance with the intention of coming up with the rest of the money by the end of Passover. "

The sale of such bread products is held by the Chief Rabbinate, in the presence of the Minister of Finance who allows the rabbis to entitle Jaber to the sale.

When asked how much money he pays for these products, Jaber answers 'an advance of NIS 50,000 cash." The total transaction amount is $ 300 million.'
Jaber explains that since he is unable to obtain and pay all the money until the end of Passover – the sale is canceled after the holiday, and the products are returned to the state.
'Say, you said to yourself once, 'If it's a legitimate contract, then I buy everything and I do not return the flour?'" Gontage asks Jabber, who answers, "That's why I need to get the money together, with God's help, this time I'll do it."

Later, Jaber stresses that he "wants to get the money together for the purchase." To the reporter's question: 'If a Saudi sheikh comes to you and gives you the money, $ 300 million, so that the Jews will get stuck without food – will you do that?" Answers Jaber, "every proposal is rooted in something different. I will have to look into each and every one.'

'Why are you involved in this?" 'If I can help with something – happily, and with pleasure,' he replies."

– B'Haredi Haredim
0202 Editor’s Notes
[1] Chametz, Selling of Chametz – are leavened foods that are forbidden on the Jewish Holiday of Passover.
Each household must put aside all the chametz to which he is selling in a box or cupboard, and the rabbi enters into a contract to sell all the chametz to a non-Jew in exchange for a small down payment, with the remainder due after Passover. This sale is considered completely binding according to Jewish law, and at any time during the holiday, the buyer may come to take or partake in his property. The rabbi then re-purchases the goods for less than they were sold at the end of the holiday.

#Religion #Holidays #Chametz

