Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"'Price Tag' [activists] graffiti-ed racist slogans on the walls of homes in Hizma.

At daybreak Monday, the Jewish 'Price Tag' gang graffiti-ed racist slogans on a vehicle and walls of homes belonging to residents of occupied Jerusalem.
The settlers wrote racist expressions, including: 'the Arabs of Jerusalem are terrorists who must be banished' […] in Hizma, northeast occupied Jerusalem. These houses were separated by the annexation wall of racist expansion, thereby bringing them closer to settlement residences.

The 'Price Tag' gang has long been attacking residents, property, and Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem without being pursued by the Occupation authorities."

– Qalandia Research Center

#Price_Tag #Vandalism #Hate_Crimes #Retaliation #Extremism

