Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

Digest on Sunday's Stabbing Attack, Multiple Jerusalemite Perspectives

"The gates of old Jerusalem were locked up… Arrests… Searches… The Palestinian martyr ascended after being shot on the pretext that he was carrying out a stabbing attack."
– Wadi Hilwe Information Center – Silwan

"Occupation soldiers opened fire on a youth whose death is yet to be confirmed, alleging it was because he stabbed a guard in Jerusalem."
– Al-Jazeera – Jerusalem page

"A spokesperson for the Occupation Police confirmed that the executor of the Jerusalem stabbing operation that happened this afternoon [Sunday] fell as a martyr."
– Jerusalem Media Center

"The Israeli security guard died as a result of injuries sustained in the Jerusalem operation."
– Palestine Today

"Hebrew media: The settler who was stabbed today in the old city of Jerusalem died from injuries at the hand of a young man from Aqaba."
– Anata News

"Right now [yesterday], Adiel Kolman, may God avenge his blood, who was murdered last night [Sunday] in the Old City, is being brought to his eternal, holy rest. The land will not cover his blood. May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
# Pascal_Sacrifice"
– Jerusalemites group on Facebook

"Our hearts are breaking at the bitter news of Adiel Kolman's murder, may God avenge his blood. He was a resident of Kochav HaShachar [1] and father to four small children!

Each week, you would come to bring us freshly squeezed juice, and with an everlasting smile, you left us with a healthy portion of goodhearted-ness and warmth, of modesty and gratitude to every little thing that came your way, which you always knew how to compliment. I always thought to myself how proud of you I am at your efforts to provide for your family. I feel you became a true friend to my family, to our children.

You leave a wife and four young children alone without you. And our hearts are broken. God, I pray – give them strength. Give the people of Israel strength already. May your memory be for a blessing, dear Adiel."
– Jerusalemites group on Facebook

0202 Editors' Notes:
[1] Kochav HaShachar is a settlement in the Northern West Bank.

#Adiel_Kolman #Stabbing #Attack #Death #Mourning #Funerals #Old_City #Martyr #0202pov


