Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"Yuhi Lifshitz, a Haredi from Jerusalem who voluntarily paid the four soldiers' check after they ate at a restaurant, said: ‘If we don’t serve in the army, we should at least take good care of our soldiers.’"

– myNet Jerusalem

"Four soldiers came to my restaurant yesterday [Tuesday, March 13] to eat. All of a sudden, a Haredi walked into the restaurant, decided that he wants to take care of our soldiers and paid for their meal. I think that things like this should also be publicized."

– Jerusalemites FB group

[Selected Comments:]
– "Well done. Just so you understand, this young yeshiva student [1] prays for these soldiers three times a day. And you soldiers guard the Land of Israel. Each contributes his part, half and half. Guarding in the upper worlds, and in the lower world. May God safeguard all of Israel, Amen."
– "Of course, that’s the way it should be. The soldiers keep everyone safe."
– "[…] The guy mentioned is a good man, to whom no one can compare. I’ve eaten there a few times and witnessed him inviting all the soldiers there to a meal, and if that’s not enough, he told the soldiers that whenever they’re hungry, it’s on him. A righteous man with a truly big heart. I wish him all the good in the world, and financial plenitude… He deserves to grow and succeed amen."
– "It’s about time they contribute something to this country, and not just take from it."

0202 Editor's Notes:
[1] Yeshivas are institutes in which Jewish holy texts and religious rules are studied. The majority of Haredi yeshiva students don't serve in the IDF. This is a core issue in the tension between Haredi and non-Haredi Jews in Israel and Jerusalem.

#Haredi #Soldiers #Coexistence #IDF #Military_Service #Gratitude #Appreciation

