Points of Views
From Jerusalem
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

Digest about recent arrests, including Secretary of the Fatah Movement Shadi Mattour

"A large presence of police and security forces [were] in the village of Beit Anan. These forces began a security operation against unregistered vehicles in the northwest of Jerusalem." [See picture]

– Qalandiya Media Center

"Occupation forces raided Beit Iksa

Occupation forces confiscated sheep belonging to Uthman Hababa during a raid on the village of Beit Iksa, northwest of Jerusalem, this morning. "

– Al-Quds News Network

"Occupation intelligence [forces] stop Shadi Mattour, secretary of Fatah movement in Jerusalem, in the Lod Airport after coming back from abroad." [Translation from original post]

-Wadi Hilweh Information Center

"Occupation arrested teenagers Amer Abd Rabbo Al-Khatib and Sufian Fathi Al-Khatib, after they raided their houses in the village of Hizma in Jerusalem."

– Al-Quds News Center

#East_Jerusalem #Arrests #Hizma #Beit_Iksa #Beit_Anan

