Points of Views
From Jerusalem
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"[Deputy Mayor] Meir Turgeman was arrested. The Haredis are embracing [him]: 'We hope he comes out innocent.'

The arrest of Meir Turgeman, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, on suspicion of bribery, stirred up a frenzy in the municipality. Although his relations with the Haredis have experienced ups and downs, now the Haredi representatives embrace him.

Only a few weeks ago, Meir Turgeman announced his bid for mayor, with the opening of an election headquarters where he began to employ activists alongside the publication of signs in the streets of the city.

Turgeman was arrested along with five other suspects on suspicion of involvement in bribery, fraud and breach of trust, misuse of office power and tax offenses. Turgeman's arrest was extended until Thursday. Turgeman himself responded: 'I have nothing to hide. I believe that I am clean and I am sure it will become clear later on.'

[…] Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Yitzhak Pindros [1] responded to his arrest by saying that 'Meir is a dear man. I believe and hope that he will walk away from this affair clean and pure.'

City Councilman Yohanan Weizman also wished the deputy mayor a clean exit [from the suspicions]. Weizman, who is a member of the Planning and Building Committee, told 'Kikar Hashabat’ that there was no atmosphere of corruption in the Planning and Building committee.

On Wednesday this week, the Planning and Building Committee of the Jerusalem Municipality is expected to convene and Turgeman’s substitute, the Haredi Yossi Deitch, will be the director.

Council member Elior Rauchberger told 'Kikar Hashabat:' 'I know Meir. He is honest and decent; every person is innocent until proven otherwise, and I hope and pray that it will all turn out to be nothing and he will emerge immaculately clean.' The Jerusalem Shas [2] Party informed 'Kikar Hashabat:' 'We wish success to our friend Deputy Mayor Meir Turgeman. We are confident in his innocence and pray for his success and that justice will soon be seen.'"

– Kikar Hashabat

0202 Editor's Notes:
[1] All figures mentioned in the article are prominent Haredi politicians in Jerusalem.
[2] Shas is one of the main Haredi political parties, both on the national and local levels.
For a previous 0202 posts on this topic, see: https://goo.gl/sMKFgU

#Politics #Corruption #City_Council #Haredi_Politics #Mayor #Bribery

