Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"Ten years after the corruption incident [1] that defaced south Jerusalem’s horizon, eight new towers are to be built in the ‘Holyland’ comple: after a six year pause following the biggest corruption scandal the city has ever known, construction will be resumed – big time. The Planning and Building District Committee gave its final approval to the renewed [building] plan. The plan will go into effect in the following days and will allow the present entrepreneurs – Holyland company and Rami Levi – to file for building permits. […]

’Holyland’ is a planning catastrophe,' warned Abraham Shaked, the representative of the green organizations, this week before the District Committee. 'It is an architectural abomination that has not yet been seen in its entirety, and the changes [made to the plan] don’t fix the original problems. But there was not much the Committee could do – its authority was limited, and it’s impossible to fix something that is broken at its core.'”

-mynet Jerusalem

[Select Comments:]
-“Building high-rises is the greenest, and best posiible thing. Low density building requires more land at the expense of green spaces, necessitates larger infrastructure systems, and lengthens transport from one place to the next.
Also just because the last ‘Holyland’ project was approved by means of bribery, does not mean that the same happened here.”
-“This is an urban disaster.”

0202 Editor’s Notes:
[1] The Holyland Case, named for the Holyland Park building complex in Jerusalem, Israel, was a high-profile corruption case in which top Israeli officials were charged with bribery and money laundering, among them former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and former Mayor of Jerusalem Uri Lupolianski. Of the 13 defendants, three were acquitted and ten, including Olmert, were found guilty. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holyland_Case)

#Holyland #Corruption #Urban_Planning

