Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem

News Digest: "Donald Trump Street":


"The Jerusalem Municipality is considering changing the name of Salah A-Din Street [1] to Donald Trump Street:

Hebrew-language news sources have announced that the Jerusalem Municipality's Names Committee is considering a request to change the name of Salah A-Din Street in the center of the city to Donald Trump Street, in response to his recent decision to recognize the city as the capital of the occupying state and to transfer the embassy to it [2].

The sources reported [3] that the extremist council member, Arieh King, approached the chairman of the city's names committee with a proposal to replace the name of Salah A-Din Street to Trump's name.

King said that 'this street, where various government offices are located, needs to undergo a further strengthening of our sovereignty and control in the region. One of the ways to achieve this is to change the name of the street; this clearly shows that we are the ones in control of the area.'"

– Beit Hanina – Jerusalem

[Selected comments:]
– "Lol, they will start with the streets, and then they'll move on to us, God help."
– "Nonsense. I swear I do not know where you get these damn news."
– "As long as there are Israeli stores such as Scope and Cofix, and our people support this trade, it is very natural that tomorrow we will find Salah A-Din Street buried and all the stores will be closed; we will have [Jewish] malls and Salah A-Din's name will be replaced [4]."
– "Whether they liked it or not, [the street's] name is Salad A-Din Street ✋🏻"


"A week ago, I asked Yael Antebi, the chairwoman of the ‘city signs and names’ committee, to work to promote the naming of one of Jerusalem's streets after Donald Trump. As a British citizen, I recommend replacing King George Street with President Trump Street.”

– Council Member Arieh King [5]

[For the full translated post, published by 0202 on December 20th, see: https://goo.gl/uTivW3]

0202 Editor's Note:
[1] Salah A-Din St. is one of the main commercial streets in the heart of East Jerusalem, and also home to the State of Israel's Justice Ministry.
[2] This refers to the highly controversial December 6th announcement by the US President in which he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel. For three different perspectives on this story, see: https://goo.gl/oud2a8.
[3] It would appear that the Beit Hanina page post is based on a report by the right-wing Israel National News website ('Arutz Sheva') which claims that King proposed replacing Salah A-Din with Trump (see https://goo.gl/7GW6ys), although as we see from King's own post, his suggestion refers to the West Jerusalem King George street.
[4] For a recent East Jerusalemite post on Israeli retail in East Jerusalem and particularly on Salah A-Din street, see: https://goo.gl/JyzGQU.
[5] Arieh King is an Israeli right-wing activist, founder of the Israel Land Fund, and a front-running leader of Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem. He is also an outspoken member of Jerusalem's municipal council.

The picture which we have attached here is the one that was attached to the original East Jerusalem post, supposedly depicting Salah A-Din street; in fact, it is a picture of Sultan Suleiman street, also in East Jerusalem.

#Salah_ADin_Street #Trump #Arieh_King

