Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"Nir Barkat will soon be leaving for a week in order to decide whether to stay in the Jerusalem municipality or to run for Knesset. What would you recommend him to do?"

[Image on Right: "Run for Knesset!;" Image on Left: "Stay in the Municipality!"]

– mynet Jerusalem

[Selected Comments:]
– "In my opinion, Nir Barkat has nothing to contribute in the Knesset or the municipality. But there aren't any mayoral candidates such as Teddy Kollek, may his memory be a blessing [1], as he was the best Jerusalem had. Nir Barkat is better than the other bad candidates out there. So Barkat should stay put in the municipality."
– "Stay in the municipality. He's the best mayor. No one could accomplish what he has done for this city."
– "Run home."

0202 Editors' Notes:
[1] A common epithet when invoking someone's name who has passed away.


