Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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רוצים לדעת מי אנחנו?

0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


“The Annual Israel Bible Contest for Adults 2017: [1]

An elderly woman with a religious appearance [2] approached one of the activists (also religious) who interrupted Bibi's speech and said quietly and politely: ‘You should have stayed in Germany.’ [3]

The prophets are turning in their graves.
The nation of the Bible, a people constituted of refugees, converts, and slaves who were set free established a state. [Now, this nation is] selling weapons to dictators and perpetrators of crimes (against humanity) in Burma, South Sudan, Guinea, Rwanda 94 [referring to the Rwandan genocide in 1994] and many more. Thus creating a stream of more refugees. And to add insult to injury this nation deports refugees to their own deaths.[4]
‘We need to be a light unto the nations,’ Bennet said in his surprisingly ‘enlightened’ speech…
Well, alright Bennet. Let’s see you sign an arms export control law (take a guess: not going to happen) […]”

– Bini Meiri

0202 Editor’s Notes:
[1] The national Israel Bible contest takes place every year in Jerusalem during the Hanukkah holiday. Winners of their local competitions move on to compete in this competition compiled of a written 40 question exam on various content and interpretation of the Bible.
[2] ‘Religious appearance’ with regard to Jewish women, although certainly varied, can be loosely generalized to refer to a woman wearing a headcovering (if married) or a form of modest dress in accordance with her view of halacha (Jewish law), not limited to but may include a skirt, a shirt with mid-length to long sleeves, etc.
[3] When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave his speech at the contest, activists held up banners and condemned Netanyahu for Israel's arms export and its alleged involvement in Burma. The woman who said "you should have stayed in Germany" seemed to imply that the activist should have stayed in Germany during the Nazi occupation, and hence as a Jew been killed.
[4] The criticism refers to reports of Israel’s arms export and involvement in international conflicts. To read more, see: https://goo.gl/zVbW63

#Arms_Export #Arms_Industry #Ethics

