Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


“‘There are Arabs in the group!’ ‘There are Arabs in Jerusalem!’ ‘There are Arabs in the state!’
‘There can’t be peace between neighbors when there isn’t peace between siblings!’ [a member] wrote yesterday in one of the responses in the group. And this was the response I loved the most.
Or like dad once told me: if there wasn’t a conflict with the Arabs, then the Jews would eat each other.
Something that might be happening now…
No, no! It’s not like that! If a real war emerges there, we’ll examine our peoples’ loyalty. Then there will be the real test. Really? No! These are the generalizations that both side have.
But more than that. And what if a war breaks out? What in the meantime? In the meantime, we’re not at war so we’re fighting each other??? See each other as traitors? Traitors in morals, traitors to the people, traitors to society, traitors in truth, and hypocrites. Everyone’s a hypocrite except for us?
So we yell at each other ‘Love the People Israel!’, faith to our people, to our siblings! But wait a minute!!! You’re talking about ALL the people??? Or everyone except for…
Fascist settlers? Traitorous leftists? Parasitic Haredim? Mistaken secular people? Primitive religious folks? Racist right-wingers? Douchey douchebags [1]?
So maybe we’ll stop for a second before we take out our anger, hatred, and our feelings of alienation…
Maybe we’ll stop and well think if another way is possible. That we could understand a little bit, give up a little bit, love a little bit. (Also ourselves).”

– Zevik Aviner, Jerusalemites Group Admin

0202 Editors' Note:
[1] The original here says "Arseem, arseem." Ars is a Hebrew insult and slur for a low-class young man. It originally, and in some cases still does, refer to men of Arab-Jewish (Mizrahi) descent. In Arabic, the word has a variety of meanings ranging from benign to derogatory.

#neighbor_brawls #traitors
