Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"Cold Hearted: the IDF insisted on drafting a terminally ill yeshiva boy – the exemption came after his passing

A sad and frustrating story: Avraham Cohen, an 18 year-old yeshiva student, passed away following a long period of illness. While fighting for his life, he was forced to face another battle. During Cohen's sickness, his father received many phone calls and letters from the army, demanding that his son must show up at the recruiting office and regularize his position as a yeshiva student. The demands did not cease, despite the young man's father sending multiple letters with which to explain the situation. In one of their phone calls, the father yelled at the office phone operator: "Just come to Hadassah [hospital] and stop this, enough!" The letters and phone calls continued up until Cohen passed away. After his son's death, Mr. Cohen refused to receive the IDF's apology."

– B'Hadrei Haredim

#Haredi #IDF #Avraham_Cohen

