Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


“Do yourself a favor and read the incredible discussion that has developed on Yoav Sorek’s FB page regarding my article about Mati Dan [1]. Sorek, the editor of ‘HaShiloach’ magazine, wishes to examine the ethical dilemma of using women as prostitutes for promoting the good cause of Judaizing East Jerusalem, ‘and wishes to thank Mati Dan and his friends for their life’s work.’
The discussion is so ridiculous, in my opinion, that I have nothing to add to it, but I do find the responses of religious right-wingers (especially, the women’s comments) fascinating.

– Nir Hasson, journalist and blogger about current events in Jerusalem
"It’s very easy to be judgmental, and to be horrified by Nir Hasson’s claims regarding the questionable ways that may have been used in negotiations with Arabs for the purchase of lands and houses in Jerusalem. It’s very easy, for one that is not dedicated to this important historical, Zionist enterprise, for one that is unwilling to get his hands dirty and take any kind of risk, to one that is unwilling to play the game.

To one that thinks in the face of death threats one can manage without a different kind of persuasion, he or she that thinks that you can always keep your hands clean when dealing with a reality that you haven’t chosen. And for people that stem from a different culture, they have never encountered such an ethical dilemma.

Were the choices and actions appropriate and justifiable? Were red lines crossed?
That is a good question to which I don’t want to answer without consideration, without knowing all the facts, and thinking much about the ethical implications. I’m also uncomfortable taking part in a discussion, where the starting point was an article written by a man that has ‘had it in for’ the people of the ‘City of David’, and that fundamentally opposes the Judaization of the area, and who writes through a heavily biased lens.

So, before everything, I want to use this platform to thank Mati Dan and his friends again, for their work. It is only right that we think a little before we judge a person in whose position we have never been before."

– Yoav Sorek, editor of 'Hashiloach' magazine

[Selected Comments:]
– "You’ve gotten almost 100 ‘Likes’. Five of them from women – five. You may want to consider this fact, and understand what is the actual question in this discussion."
– "I don’t understand this mess. The Land of Israel is ours, we want to buy land, to settle the land."
– "This post is a disgrace, makes you want to vomit."
– "I didn’t know that Judaism approves of ‘the ends justify the means’. Maybe Machiavelli converted to Judaism."
– "Yoav, I am surprised, and not in a good way. Even if it was ‘only’ brokering prostitution, and not pushing girls or women into it, it seems clear that red lines were crossed. I have a hard time disconnecting this from ‘Ateret Cohanim’’s over-conservatism when it comes to modesty and women’s status [in society]."

– [Original Poster:] "To anyone that didn’t understand: I support any action that will prevent prostitution, and the abuse and trafficking of women. I support the installation of a filtered internet by default. I stand for the closure of any club of any sort that Yair visits [2]. I support decisive actions against escort services and similarly named institutions. And if client incrimination proves helpful, I support it too.
All this has nothing to do with what I wrote. [What I meant was that] it’s all too easy to judge the actions of people that acted (20 years ago) in a bleak reality and under threats, out of true dedication. It is very hard to conduct yourself in such a situation, with the same pureness of actions that is possible in day to day life. You shouldn’t rush to condemn them with such ease."
"This morning [Thursday, January 11], I wrote that there haven’t been any responses of condemnation (barring one) in the Religious-Zionist sector in response to the use of prostitutes by Mati Dan and the ‘Ateret Cohanim’ organization in the purchasing of real-estate in East Jerusalem. A day hasn’t passed, and already, someone in the Religious-Zionism has found reasons to justify the trade in innocent women’s bodies. Yoav Sorek is the editor of ‘Hashiloah’ magazine – and is regarded as a central intellectual in Religious-Zionist sector. We have been saying for decades that the occupation will corrupt our souls. Yoav’s text serves as clear proof."

– Tomer Persico, West Jerusalemite activist

0202 Editor's Notes:
This post is a continuation of the following post: https://goo.gl/zYhWrs
[1] In an article written by Nir Hasson, recordings of conversations were exposed that revealed the use of prostitutes, among other means, by 'Ateret Cohanim'.
‘Ateret Cohanim’ is an organization that aims to settle Jews in East Jerusalem and The Old City.
[2] Recently, recordings of Yair Netanyahu, son of PM Netanyahu, have been revealed by the media. In them he speaks of visiting strip clubs.

