Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


"Jerusalemite boy dresses up as a religious [Jewish] man and enters Al-Buraq [Western Wall] plaza."

[In the video:]
-“I’m by the fanatical Jews, the radicals, those that hate Arabs. This is the only way I can film here [shows kippa]. If they find out I’m an Arab… Oh God, they hate Arabs.”
[Comment shown at 0:55:]
-“Just like the Jews invade Al-Aqsa, we should enter Al-Buraq plaza.”

[Selected comments:]
-"What’s gotten into you going in there and seeing how they pray? This isn’t funny. It is complete and utter stupidity."
-"Not stupidity at all… He tried something new. The place, in its entirety, is ours."
-"Everyone knows its ours, but what he did had no purpose, meaning, or outcome. Personally, I think he did something stupid and a total waste of time. What's his deal going there while they're praying? What if he would have been caught? You too would say it was ridiculous. You would have been the first to oppose it and say that it was stupid. What’s wrong with him walking through the people like that?"

– State of Shuafat Refugee Camp

0202 Editor's Note:
The video is a clip of a longer Youtube video posted by a young Jerusalemite boy who goes by the Youtube name "Ibn Al-Quds, or son of Jerusalem. The original video has received over a million views. To watch the full video, see: https://goo.gl/PU9SWB

Al-Buraq is the Arabic name for what Jews call the Western Wall, the Wailing Wall, or, in Hebrew, the Kotel. The Jewish name for the site refers to the wall’s placement as the westernmost wall of the Jewish Temple, which was destroyed in the year 70, save for this wall. The Arabic name for the site got its Arabic name from the Prophet Muhammad's night journey, or mi'raj, during which he tied his steed, called the Buraq, to the wall while he ascended to heaven. The Western Wall came under Israeli control from Jordan in 1967. Today, it is controlled by Israel and considered one of the most holy places for Jews to pray.

#Western_Wall #AlBuraq #Prayer

