Points of Views
From Jerusalem
Points of Views
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0202 – Points of View from Jerusalem


“Today [January 8, 2018] marks the first anniversary of Jerusalemite Fadi Ahmad Kunbur, from the town of Jabel Mukaber south of Jerusalem, becoming a martyr. The Occupation continues to detain his body in its freezers [1].

*A year ago today the martyr Fadi attacked [Israeli] soldiers by running into them at the entrance of Jabel Mukaber, killing four.
*Occupation forces imposed a number of punishments onto his family, carrying out harsh interrogations of family members, revoking Fadi's mother Menwa Kunbur's residency permit, and canceled the family reunification applications [2] for other family members. They also canceled the healthcare plan for his four children.
*Last March Occupation forces closed off Fadi’s home with concrete.”

– Wadi Hilweh Information Center-Silwan

0202 Editor’s Notes:
[1] The attack was carried out in Armon HaNetziv, a neighborhood of Jerusalem which is near the Palestinian town of Jabel Mukaber.
For a previous 0202 post about the attack, see: https://goo.gl/WLfN2
[2] Family reunification is a legal process in which spouses and families apply for immigration to each other's countries. This is a particularly complicated issue regarding the legal status of East Jerusalemites who hold a blue Israeli ID card and have permanent residency in Jerusalem.

#Jabel_Mukaber #Attack #Commemoration #Reprecussions

