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From Jerusalem
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0202 – A View from East Jerusalem

“How long will the Dar Al-Maarifa School and its students suffer?!!

To the respected parents of our students…to the local community leaders of Kufr Aqab, Sameer Amees and the Qalandia Refugee Camp…to the administrators legally and morally responsible for our children:
We the Parents’ Association of Dar Al-Maarifa wish to inform you that after our painstaking efforts, a decision has been reached by the central court judge, and agreed upon by the Ministry of Education and the [Jerusalem] municipality, to open Dar al-Maarifa School for this school year.

As a result, we the Parents’ Association cooperated and allowed the school to be run according to the laws and current customs, and took on the role of oversight, providing the school administration with the proper atmosphere to move forward so that our children would be able to catch up with the educational material they have missed.

Unfortunately, after two weeks with the new school administration we have noted the following:

[Summary of the text:]
1. A great shortage in the number of qualified teachers, especially those with specific majors. According to the principal, Murad Hassan, and the school inspector, the school still needs at least 50 new teachers.

2. A shortage in the number of toilets at the school: It is therefore not a surprise that dozens of parents have sent letters complaining that there is a shortage of restrooms, and that their children are unable to relieve themselves resulting in many embarrassing situations.

3. Students are able to skip school, and are endangering themselves because of a shortage in school staff, especially a guidance counselor.

4. A reduction in the number of classes opened per grade which has led to in an increase in the number of students per class. As a result, some classes that should legally only contain 30 students, have 45 students instead.

We, the Parents’ Association hold the school administration, as well as the Ministry of Education responsible for the safety of our students, as well as for the quality of their education.

To our dear parents and guardians, the prophet (peace be upon him) said ‘Every one of you is a shepherd, and every one of you is responsible for his flock.' We urge you take responsibility by helping us provide oversight for our children’s education, and for providing a healthy learning environment in our school.

Yours sincerely,

The Parents’ Association”

-Beit Hanina- Al-Quds FB page

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